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Bohin - Applique Needles - Size 11 - 3073640002274 Quilting Notions
Bohin Assorted Needles Book 20ct Red Fish
Bohin Between / Quilting Needles Size 10
Bohin Between / Quilting Needles Size 8
Bohin Self Threading Needles
Brilliant Pastel Desktop Needle Threader Purple
Christmas Crackers 99985 Bohin#1
Christmas Crackers Bohin
Chrome Universal Needle 90/14 4010 Schmetz#10
Clover Embroidery Threader
Cosmo Cross Stitch Needle Assortment 4307
Cosmo Hidamari Sashiko Assorted Needle Set
DMC Needle Threader
Hiroshima Leather Needles
Hiroshima Tapestry Needles Round #23
John James Milliners / Straw Uncarded Needles Size 11 - 25ct
John James Yarn Darners Needles Assorted Sizes 14/18 6ct
Klasse Hemstitch Needle 100/16
Machine Denim Needle Size 100/16
Mary Arden Between / Quilting Needles Size 12 20ct
Needle Sorting Pin Cushion
Piecemaker Braided Rug Needles 4ct
Schmetz 5 Jeans Needles 100-16 - 036346317120 Quilting Notions
Schmetz Sharp / Microtex Machine Needle Size 10/70
Schmetz Sharp / Microtex Machine Needle Size 12/80
Schmetz Super Nonstick Needle 5ct, Size 80/12
Schmetz Universal Machine Needle Size 12/80
SCHMTEZ Knit & Stretch Needles
Silicone Needle Puller Extra Large and Large 2pk
Silicone Needle Puller Extra Large and Medium 2pk
Silicone Needle Puller Large and Medium 2pk
Singer Gold Eye Basting Needles w/ Decorative Magnet
Snag Repair Needles
Tulip Quilting Needles Between # 10
Tulip Quilting Needles Between #12
Universal Machine Needle Asst
Universal Spring Needle sz12/80 Gingham Square
> Piecemaker Braided Rug Needles 4ct
Piecemaker Braided Rug Needles 4ct
Clean eyes, sharp, easy to thread, sturdy and strong.For lacing and stitching cotton fabric braids together inrug making. Works well on leather, too.